Graduate Student Poster Competition Program, IEEE IAS AM 2024

Introduction to the Program:

The purpose of the “Graduate Student Poster Competition Program” at the 2024 IEEE IAS Annual Meeting is to encourage graduate students’ participation in the conference to attend and present their research to a broader audience from industry and academia. The graduate student poster competition program provides free accommodation and partial travel allowance for selected students, particularly those who would otherwise be unable to attend. Students from underrepresented groups are particularly encouraged to apply. Applications include a 1-page abstract of the research in IEEE format. Selected students will compete for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd poster competition prizes.

In selecting applicants for this program, preference will be given to those who satisfy the following criteria:

  • Applicants who are a student member of the IEEE and the IAS
  • Applications whose research abstracts are sound, supported by preliminary results, and directly and strongly within the scope of the IEEE IAS.
  • Applicants who are NOT the main (presenting) author of accepted papers to be presented at the conference main program.
  • Applicants who are first-time attendees or are from under-represented groups.
  • Applicants who acknowledge active participation in the technical sessions and other student and mentorship programs at the conference.

Selected individuals for participation in the graduate student poster competition program will receive:

  • 4-night complementary housing at the conference hotel shared with another student of the same gender.
  • A travel allowance of $600 in the form of expense reimbursement

Students and their advisors are strongly encouraged to secure additional funding from other sources to support conference registration, travel and subsistence costs.

Important Dates:

  • Student Poster Competition Announcement (Submissions Open): June 15, 2024
  • Student Applications Due: August 1, 2024
  • Decision Notification Due: August 10, 2024

How to Apply:

  • Interested graduate student researchers will have to submit their application with their poster abstract (PDF) through the application portal.
  • Student faculty advisor submits his/her recommendation of the student and his/her willingness and acknowledgement of supporting and financing the student’s travel to the conference
  • Selected students will have to register for the conference (as an IEEE student member). Conference registration is NOT covered by the student poster competition program.
  • Upon selection for participation in the conference student poster competition program, the student prints the poster and presents it on-site at the conference poster session.

Decision on student’s application is made by the IEEE IAS Annual Meeting organizing committee; all decisions are final. Interested graduate students who need a US visa to attend the conference, if selected, are encouraged to apply for the graduate student poster competition program early.


Contact Information: Payman Dehghanian